Data Attributes is a Minecraft mod, initially released for Minecraft 1.17.1 using the Fabric ecosystem. The mod does two things: overhauls Minecraft's entity attribute system to be more dynamic and to include follow on attributes (something found in many other games); and exposes entity attributes to datapack manipulation - allowing servers/pack makers easy customisation of every aspect of the entity attribute system.
Important: This section is now outdated and unsupported. Click here for the latest release.
This wiki covers the following:
- Using Data Attributes as a dependency for your mod (Gradle).
- Changing attribute’s default, minimum and maximum values, as well as their translation key.
- Adding new attributes.
- Modifying the contents of living entities attribute containers.
- Attribute Functions.
- Attribute Properties.
- Relevant Json formatting.
- API structure and usage.
Integrating Data Attributes
Data Attributes can be added to your project inserting the following to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url = ""
dependencies {
modImplementation "curse.maven:dataattributes-514734:<fileId>"
The last number after the colon refers to the file id; you should always try to use the latest file.
Please note that Data Attributes depends on Fabric API, so your build.gradle
will have to accommodate that.