The following pages and posts are tagged with
Title | Type | Excerpt |
API | Page | Structure and Overview Data Attributes includes an API package, located at com.github.clevernucleus.dataattributes.api and contains the following: 📂api ┣📂attribute ┃ ┣📄 interface ┃ ┣📄 interface ┃ ┣📄 interface ┃ ┣📄 enum ┃ ┗📄 interface ┃ ┣📂event ┃ ┣📄 class ┃ ┗📄 class ┃ ┣📂item... |
Attribute Functions | Page | Data Attributes introduces two entirely new ideas to Minecraft's entity attributes: functions and properties. This section covers attribute functions by pres... |
Attribute Properties | Page | Data Attributes introduces two entirely new ideas to Minecraft's entity attributes: functions and properties. This section covers attribute properties by pre... |
Datapacks | Page | This section provides an overview of the datapack structure used by Data Attributes for Minecraft 1.18.2. |
Entity Types | Page | This section covers how to add attributes to specific entity types, how to set the attribute's default values for that entity and how the json that does this... |
Home | Page | Data Attributes is a Minecraft mod, initially released for Minecraft 1.17.1 using the Fabric ecosystem. The mod does two things: overhauls Minecraft's entity... |
Overrides | Page | Json overrides can be used to either override pre-existing attributes, either vanilla or modded, or if non-existant a new attribute is created. Therefore, ne... |
Stacking Behaviour | Page | This section covers Stacking Behaviour, including: what it means; what it does; and how it's different from previous releases. |
API | Page | Structure and Overview Offline Player Cache offers a small API package, located at com.github.clevernucleus.opc.api and contains the following: 📂api ┣📄 interface ┗📄 interface The contents of are available here. The contents of are shown below:... |
Cacheable Value | Page | This section details the content and implementation of the Cacheable Value interface from a developer perspective. |
Home | Page | Offline Player Cache (OPC) is a Minecraft API mod built using the Fabric framework to allow caching player data on the server while the player is offline. Th... |
API | Page | Structure and Overview PlayerEx includes an API package, located at com.github.clevernucleus.playerex.api and contains the following: 📂api ┣📂client ┃ ┣📄 class ┃ ┣📄 class ┃ ┣📄 class ┃ ┗📄 class ┃ ┣📂damage ┃ ┣📄 interface ┃ ┗📄 interface ┃ ┣📂event ┃ ┣📄 class ┃... |
In-game Content | Page | PlayerEx adds new attributes to the game, that are by default attached to the player. Additionally, PlayerEx features a new GUI screen and levelling system. |
FAQ | Page | This page goes over commonly asked questions and provides some examples and mini-tutorials. |
Home | Page | PlayerEx is a Minecraft mod built using the Fabric ecosystem that adds RPG themed attributes to the game and the player. |
Text Placeholder API | Page | Since version 3.0.2, PlayerEx supports Text Placeholder API and includes three text placeholders. |