The following pages and posts are tagged with

API Page Structure and Overview Data Attributes includes an API package, located at com.github.clevernucleus.dataattributes.api and contains the following: 📂api ┣📂attribute ┃ ┣📄 interface ┃ ┣📄 interface ┃ ┣📄 interface ┃ ┣📄 enum ┃ ┗📄 interface ┃ ┣📂event ┃ ┣📄 class ┃ ┗📄 class ┃ ┣📂item...
Attribute Functions Page Data Attributes introduces two entirely new ideas to Minecraft's entity attributes: functions and properties. This section covers attribute functions by pres...
Attribute Properties Page Data Attributes introduces two entirely new ideas to Minecraft's entity attributes: functions and properties. This section covers attribute properties by pre...
Datapacks Page This section provides an overview of the datapack structure used by Data Attributes for Minecraft 1.18.2.
Entity Types Page This section covers how to add attributes to specific entity types, how to set the attribute's default values for that entity and how the json that does this...
Home Page Data Attributes is a Minecraft mod, initially released for Minecraft 1.17.1 using the Fabric ecosystem. The mod does two things: overhauls Minecraft's entity...
Overrides Page Json overrides can be used to either override pre-existing attributes, either vanilla or modded, or if non-existant a new attribute is created. Therefore, ne...
Stacking Behaviour Page This section covers Stacking Behaviour, including: what it means; what it does; and how it's different from previous releases.
API Page Structure and Overview Offline Player Cache offers a small API package, located at com.github.clevernucleus.opc.api and contains the following: 📂api ┣📄 interface ┗📄 interface The contents of are available here. The contents of are shown below:...
Cacheable Value Page This section details the content and implementation of the Cacheable Value interface from a developer perspective.
Home Page Offline Player Cache (OPC) is a Minecraft API mod built using the Fabric framework to allow caching player data on the server while the player is offline. Th...
API Page Structure and Overview PlayerEx includes an API package, located at com.github.clevernucleus.playerex.api and contains the following: 📂api ┣📂client ┃ ┣📄 class ┃ ┣📄 class ┃ ┣📄 class ┃ ┗📄 class ┃ ┣📂damage ┃ ┣📄 interface ┃ ┗📄 interface ┃ ┣📂event ┃ ┣📄 class ┃...
In-game Content Page PlayerEx adds new attributes to the game, that are by default attached to the player. Additionally, PlayerEx features a new GUI screen and levelling system.
FAQ Page This page goes over commonly asked questions and provides some examples and mini-tutorials.
Home Page PlayerEx is a Minecraft mod built using the Fabric ecosystem that adds RPG themed attributes to the game and the player.
Text Placeholder API Page Since version 3.0.2, PlayerEx supports Text Placeholder API and includes three text placeholders.